Home » Supporting Steve Riddell for State Representative, HD 92

Supporting Steve Riddell for State Representative, HD 92


It’s only just spring in The Mid-Cities, but the November election will be here before you know it.

After much discussion, your executive board and members have decided to throw our full support behind one #TXlege candidate this cycle, rather than some funding here and there.

Steve Riddell is taking on Tarrant County’s worst of the worst in Jonathan Stickland, known for his rape “jokes,” ineffective lawmaking, and blocking any constituent online who disagrees with him.

Stickland is a high school dropout who worked as a pest control tech, before the local Tea Party extremists found him and turned him into an “oil and gas consultant.” Yeah, right.

Steve Riddell is a businessman whose number one priority is public education. HD 92 deserves a lawmaker who will champion education and opportunity, not partisan games and potty police.

We will be working with Steve on upcoming fundraisers, voter outreach, vote by mail applications for November, and more because THIS IS A WINNABLE RACE.

$25 buys one week of online ads
$50 buys two weeks
$100 pays canvassers
$250-500 funds reception costs
$1500 buys next round of door literature
$2000 funds vote by mail applications

Will you make an additional donation today to support Steve Riddell?

Sometimes you get to work for a great candidate (Steve), sometimes against a rotten one (Stick)—in HD 92, you get both! Join us!